OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation

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Document Type:Serial
Title:Arabica : revue d'etudes Arabes.
Added Author: Levi-Provencal, Evariste, 1894-1956
Publisher: Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1954-
ISBN:05705398 (begins 1993)
Notes:(c) 1954 by E.J. Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands; (c) 1997 by Koninklijke Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands."Fondee par E. Levi-Provencal"v.45, fasc.2 contains index to v.1-44Periodicity changes: 1971, 3 times a year; 1987, one issue only; 1988, 3 times a year; 1997, 4 times a year
Location: Bodleian, Oxford: BOD Per Arab d.1434; Oriental RR Z.Per 70 (last 10 years) Oriental Inst., Oxford: OIL P790 ARA (missing: v.28, v. 40, fasc.1 & 4; v.44, fasc.4)

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation