OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation

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Document Type:Book
Title:The rise of Humanism in classical Islam and the Christian west : with special reference to scholasticism / George Makdisi.
Author: Makdisi, George
Publisher: Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, c1990.
Pages:xxi, 431 p.
ISBN:0852246307 (hbk.)
Notes:c1990 by George Makdisi.Index includes translated technical terms.
Bibliographic Note:Bibliography: p. 372-383
Author as Subject: Hammad al-Rawiya, 695-772
Descriptors: Translated terms Belles-lettres Poetry, Ancient Poems, Ancient -- Epic Events Sermons Preachers Librarians Litterateurs Drink companion Language science Grammar Lexicography History Transmitter Versifier Poetry, Ancient -- Long poem Prosody Oration Fakhr=Vainglory Epistles 'Itab=reproach Poets, Ancient -- Patrons -- Threat Rhetoric

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation