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Document Type:Chapter of a book
Title:Poets and critics in the third century A.H. / Seeger Adrianus Bonebakker.
Author: Bonebakker, Seeger Adrianus, 1923-2005
Summary:Examines poets and critics in 9th cent. with examples of the standards of criticism at that time.
Author as Subject: Ibn Qutayba, 828-889Ibn al-Mu'tazz, 861-908Ibn Tabataba, d. 934Qudama ibn Ja'far, d. 948al-Suyuti, 1445-1505Ibn Rashiq al-Qayrawani, 1000-1063 or 1071Abu 'Amr ibn al-'Ala', 684 or 687-771 or 774Ibn 'Arabi, 1165-1240Ibn al-Athir, Diya' al-Din, 1163-1239al-Jahiz , ca. 776 or 7-868Abu al-'Atahiya, Isma'il ibn al-Qasim, 747 or 8-826Bashshar ibn Burd, d. 783 or 4al-Mawsili, Ibrahim, 742-804al-Buhturi, al-Walid ibn 'Ubayd, ca. 821-897 or 8Tha'lab, 815-904Ibn al-Muthanna, Abu 'Ubayda Ma'mar, 728-824 or 5Jarir ibn 'Atiyya, ca. 653-729Ibn al-Mu'tazz, 861-908al-Mubarrad, ca. 815-98 or 899al-Sijistani, Abu Hatim, d. 869Dhu al-Rumma, Ghaylan ibn 'Uqba, 696-735 Abu 'Ali al-Basir, d. af. 866al-Yazidi, Abu Muhammad, d. 817 or 818al-Jurjani, al Qadi 'Ali ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz, d.1002'Abbas ibn al-Ahnaf d.803 or after 808?Ibn 'Ammar, 1031-1086al-'Attabi, Kulthūm ibn 'Amr, d. 823al-Hatimi, d. 998
Descriptors: Criticism Translated terms Poetry, Ancient Panegyric Poetry, Ancient -- Long poem Nasib Transmitter Ascribing a tradition Poets, Stallion Badi' Metaphor Paronomasia Antithesis EpanalepsisArgumentation Poetry, Ancient'Abbasi Poetry, Modern Language, Complicated Purity of Style Poetry, Ancient -- Elegance Ruins Travelling Panegyric al-Tashbib bi al-nisa'=Erotic poetry Poetry, Ancient -- Boasting Tashbih=Simile Elegy Apology Poetry, Narrating Wasf=Description Poetry, Ancient -- Instigation to war Love poetry Hunting poems Poetry, Ancient -- Censure Zuhdiyyat=Ascetic poems Zuhd=AsceticismStrange words Language -- Poem, Moralistic Hikma=WisdomLanguage, Tractable Rhetoric, Ancient -- Purity of expression PlagiarismArgumentation Eloquence Satire
Source: Logic in classical Islamic culture. (1970),
Source Type: Book
Series: 1

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation