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Document Type:Chapter of a book
Title:Literary theory : the problem of its efficiency / Wolfhart Heinrichs.
Author: Heinrichs, Wolfhart
Summary:A survey of classical and modern works of literary theory.
Author as Subject: Ibn Rashiq, 1000-1063 or 1071Ibn al-Rumi, 836-96Ibn al-Mu'tazz, 861-908Ibn Babak, d. 1019al-Mutanabbi, ca. 915-965Ibn Qutayba, 828-889Bishr ibn al-Mu'tamir, d. between 825-40Qudama ibn Ja'far, d. 948Hazim al-Qartajanni, 1211-85Ibn Sina, d.1037Tha'lab, 815-904al-Zamakhshari, 1075-1144al-Rummani, 'Ali ibn 'Isa, 889-994Ibn Tabataba, d. 934al-'Askari, Abu Hilal al-Hasan ibn 'Abd Allah, d. after 1005al-Amidi, Abu al-Qasim, d. 987al-Jurjani, 'Abd al-Qahir, d.1078 or 1081al-Sanawbari, b. before 888 d. 945-6al-Hatimi, d. 998Ibn Nuwayra, Mutammim, 7th cent.al-Ma'muni, 10th cent.Ibn Sallam al-Jumahi, 756-846 or 847Ibn Sallam al-Jumahi, 756-846 or 7Dhu al-Rumma, Ghaylan ibn 'Uqba, 696-735 Ibn Abi Tahir, 819 or 20-893Abu 'Ali Basir, d. af. 866Hamza al-Isfahani, b. ca. 893, d. 961 or 971Ibn al-Rumi, 836-96'Adi ibn Zayd, 6th cent.Al-Nabigha al-Dhubyani, 6th cent.al-A'sha, Maymun ibn Qays, d. ca. 629Umar ibn Abi Rabi'a, 643-712 or 721Jamil ibn Ma'mar, d. 701al-Sakkaki, 1160-1229al-Suli, d. ca. 946Ibn al-Athir, Diya' al-Din, 1163-1239Bashshar ibn Burd, d. 783 or 4Dik al-Jinn al-Himsi, 778-ca. 850Dik al-Jinn, 'Abd al-Salam ibn Raghban, 778?-850?
Descriptors: Poetry, Ancient Theory, Literary Criticism Qur'an -- Poets, Ancient Poets, Mixed-age Poets, 'Abbasi --The Moderns Poetry, Love -- Hijaz Wine poems Poets, Ancient -- 'Abbasi Umayyad poets Poetry, Narrative Poetics -- Terseness Tawriya=Double entendre Poetics --Wonder Poetics --Feigned ignorance Poetry, Ancient --Boasting Metonomy Criticism, Ancient -- Etiology Parallelism Poetics -- Original invention Sariqa=Plagiarism Mannerism Tashbih=Simile Metaphor Bayan Hyperbole Poetry, Ancient -- Digressing Rhetoric Poetry -- Naturalness Poetry, Ancient -- Craft Wording Meaning Wazn=Meter Rhyme Plagiarism Poetry, Ancient -- Long poem Poetry -- Bases Iftikhar=Self-praise Tashbib=Love poetry Poetry, Ancient -- Censure Incentive Zuhd=Ascetic poetry Category Pleasure Poetry, Ancient -- ArtificeShortcoming Poetics -- Tarkib=Sariqa type Enjambment Allusion Summation Innovation, Rhetorical Translated terms
Source: Arabic poetry : theory and development. (1973), p. 19-69
Source Type: Book

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation