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Document Type:Chapter of a book
Title:Arabic mujun poetry : the literary dimension / Julie Scott Meisami.
Author: Meisami, Julie Scott
Summary:Examines the literary aspects of mujun poetry.
Author as Subject: Bashshar ibn Burd, d. 783 or 4Ibn al-Hajjaj, ca. 941-1000Ibn al-Sukkara, d. 995Qudama ibn Ja'far, d. 948'Ali ibn al-Jahm, d. 863Imru' al-Qays, 6th cent.al-Mutanabbi, ca. 915-65Ibn Hani, d. ca. 973al-Hilli, 1278-ca. 1349
Descriptors: Poetry, Ancient Poetry, Debauched Poetry, Ancient -- Motifs Belles-lettres Wasf al-khamr Wine poem Zuhd Zuhdiyya Poetry, Ancient -- Short poem Jesting style Tariqat al-jidd=Serious style Narrative Poetry, Debauched -- Boon-companion Ghazal Fakhr Badinage Nasib Translated terms
Source: Verse and the fair sex : studies in Arabic poetry and in the representation of women in Arabic literature. (1993), p. 8-30
Source Type: Book

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation