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Document Type:Article of a journal
Title:Rawdat al-qulub by al-Sayzari : a twelfth century book on love / David Semah.
Author: Semah, David
Notes:Arabic text of Rawdat al-qulub based on 2 MSS: MS. Sale 34, Bodleian Library , Oxford; MS. 5465, Maglis Library, Teheran.Rawdat al-qulub wa nuzhat al-muhibb wa al-mahbub translated as: The garden of hearts and the recreation of the lover and beloved
Summary:Contains biographical and bibliographical information on al-Shayzari and his works.
Author as Subject: al-Shayzari, late 12th cent.al-Antaki, Da'ud ibn 'Umar d. 1599Salah al-Din, 1138-93al-Jahiz, ca. 776 or 7-868al-Washsha', d. 937
Descriptors: Rawdat al-QulubBelles-lettres -- Love poetry -- 12th cent. Belles-lettres Love poetry, Ancient -- Rawdat al-Qulub
Source: Arabica. 24: 2 (1977), p. 187-206
Source Type: Serial

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation