OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation

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Document Type:Article of a journal
Title:The uses of the qasida : thematic and structural patterns in a poem of Bashshar / Julie Scott Meisami.
Author: Meisami, Julie Scott
Notes:Includes 5 translated verses from Bashshar's poem to 'Uqba.Includes complete poem in Arabic transliteration
Author as Subject: Ibn Qutayba, 828-889Bashshar ibn Burd, d. 783 or 4
Descriptors: Poetry, Ancient'Abbasi Poetry, Ancient -- Long poem Nasib Travelling Panegyric Paronomasia Tibaq Antithesis Transition Panegyric Translated terms
Source: Journal of Arabic literature. 16 (1985), p. 40-60
Source Type: Serial

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation