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Search Statement: Author as Subject ''Abid ibn al-Abras, ' Records Found: 25 (Sort by Title Author Date)

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1 Book  Arabic and Persian poems / Omar Pound. 1st ed. London : Fulcrum Press, 1970.  
Pound, Omar S.,
2 Book  The seven odes : the first chapter in Arabic literature / A.J. Arberry. 1st ed. London : George Allen and Unwin, 1957.  
Arberry, A.J. (Arthur John), 1905-1969
3 Book  A commentary on ten ancient Arabic poems : namely the seven Mu'allakat, and poems by al-A'sha, an-Nabighah, and 'Abid ibn al-Abras / = Kitab sharh al-qasa'id al-'ashr by the Khatib Abu Zakariya Yahya at-Tibrizi; edited for the first time, from the MSS. of Cambridge, London, & Leiden by Charles James Lyall. [2nd ed.] Ridgewood, N.J. : Gregg Press, 1965.  
al-Tibrizi, Abu Zakariya' d. 1108
Lyall, Charles James, Sir, 1845-1920
4 Book  The wine song in classical Arabic poetry : Abu Nuwas and the literary tradition / Philip F. Kennedy. 1st ed. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1997.   Kennedy, Philip F. 1997 
5 Book  The poems of 'Amr son of Qami'ah of the clan of Qais son of Tha'labah, a branch of the tribe of Bakr son of Wa'il / edited and tranlsated by Sir Charles Lyall. Cambridge : [Cambridge] University Press, 1919.  
Lyall, Charles James, Sir, 1845-1920
6 Book  The diwans of 'Abid ibn al-Abras, of Asad, and 'Amir ibn at-Tufail, of 'Amir ibn Sa'sa'ah / edited for the first time, from the MS. in the British Museum, and supplied with a translation and notes, by Sir Charles Lyall. 1st ed. Leyden : E.J. Brill, 1913.  
Lyall, Charles James, Sir, 1845-1920
7 Book  Early Arabic odes : chosen from the selections of al-Mufaddal and al-Asma'i / S.M. Husain. Dacca : University of Dacca, 1938.   Husain, S.M. 1938 
8 Book  The development of gazal in Arabic literature : pre-Islamic and early Islamic periods / A. Kh. Kinany. 1st ed. Damascus : The Syrian University Printing House, 1950.   Kinany, A. Kh. 1950 
9 Book  Some aspects of ancient Arabic poetry, as illustrated by a little-known anthology / Sir Charles J. Lyall. London : Published for the British Academy by Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, 1918.   Lyall, Charles James, Sir, 1845-1920 1918 
10 Chapter of a book  Growth and structure of Arabic poetry, A.D. 500-1000 / G.E. von Grunebaum.
In: The Arab heritage. (1963), p. 121-141  
Grunebaum, Gustave E. von (Gustave Edmund), 1909-1972  
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