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Search Statement: Author as Subject 'Ibn Hazm, ' Records Found: 36 (Sort by Title Author Date)

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1 Book  The Zephyrs of Najd : the poetics of nostalgia in the classical Arabic nasib / Jaroslav Stetkevych. 1st ed. Chicago : Chicago University Press,c1993.   Stetkevych, Jaroslav 1993 
2 Book  The neckveins of winter : the controversy over natural and artificial poetry in medieval Arabic literary criticism / by Mansour Ajami. 1st ed. Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1984.  
Ajami, Mansour
3 Book  Arabic and Persian poems / Omar Pound. 1st ed. London : Fulcrum Press, 1970.  
Pound, Omar S.,
4 Book  Night and horses and the desert : an anthology of classical Arabic literature / Robert Irwin. 1st ed. London : Allen Lane, 1999.   Irwin, Robert, 1946- 1999 
5 Book  Anthology of Islamic literature, from the rise of Islam to modern times / introduced and edited by James Kritzeck. 1st ed. Harmondsworth, Middx. : Penguin Books,1964.  
Kritzeck, James
6 Book  The ring of the dove : a treatise on the art and practice of Arab love / by Ibn Hazm (994-1064); translated by A.J. Arberry. 2nd ed. London : Luzac Oriental, 1994.  
Arberry, A.J. (Arthur John), 1905-1969
7 Book  Moorish poetry : a translation of The Pennants , an anthology compiled in 1243 by the Andalusian Ibn Sa'id / = An anthology of Moorish poetry compiled 700 years ago, and now translated into English rhymed verses by A.J. Arberry A.J. Arberry. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1953.  
Arberry, A.J. (Arthur John), 1905-1969
8 Book  A book containing the Risala known as The Dove's Neck-Ring about love and lovers / composed by Abu Muhammad 'Ali ibn Hazm al-Andalusi, may God forgive him and pardon him, and the believers; translated from the unique manuscript in the University of Leiden, edited by D.K. Petrof in 1914, by A.R. Nykl. Paris : Paul Geuthner, 1931.   Ibn Hazm, 994-1064
Petrov, D. K., 1872-1925
Nykl, A.R. (Alois Richard)
9 Book  Literary criticism in medieval Arabic-Islamic culture : the making of a tradition / Wen -Chin Ouyang. 1st ed. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 1997.   Ouyang, Wen-Chin 1997 
10 Book  Arabic-Andalusian casidas / translated with an introduction by Harold Morland. 1st ed. London : Phoenix Press, 1949.   Morland, Harold 1949 
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