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Search Statement: Author as Subject 'Ibn Khallikan, ' Records Found: 16 (Sort by Title Author Date)

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1 Book  The poetry of Ibn Khafajah : a literary analysis / by Magda M. al-Nowaihi. Leiden ; New York : E.J. Brill, 1993.New YorkE.J. Brill1993   al-Nowaihi, Magda M. 1993 
2 Chapter of a book  New researches on the Egyptian Sufi poet 'Umar ibn al-Farid, 576-632/ /1181-1235 : a contribution towards a new understanding of his Sufi and poetic experience /
In: Philosophy and arts in the Islamic world : proceedings of the 18th Congress of the Union Europeenne des Arabisants et Islamisants. (1998)  
Scattolin, Guiseppe  
3 Chapter of a book  al-Mu'tasim's 'Bridge of Toil' and Abu Tammam's Amorium qasida / Julia Bray.
In: Studies in Islamic and Middle Eastern texts and traditions in memory of Norman Calder (1990), p. 31-73  
Bray, Julia  
4 Book  The seven odes : the first chapter in Arabic literature / A.J. Arberry. 1st ed. London : George Allen and Unwin, 1957.  
Arberry, A.J. (Arthur John), 1905-1969
5 Book  Literary criticism in medieval Arabic-Islamic culture : the making of a tradition / Wen -Chin Ouyang. 1st ed. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 1997.   Ouyang, Wen-Chin 1997 
6 Book  Arabic literature / [by] I.M. Filshtinsky; [translated from the Russian by Hilda Kasanina] Moscow : "Nauka" publishing house, 1966.   Filshtinsky, I.M. (Isaak Moiseevich) 1966 
7 Book  Ignaz Goldziher. Muslim studies : Volume one / = Muhammedanische Studien edited by S.M. Stern. Translated from the German by C.R Barber and S.M. Stern. Chicago : Aldine Publishing Company, 1967.   Goldziher, Ignac, 1850-1921
Stern, S.M. (Samuel Miklos), 1920-1969
Barber, C.R.
8 Book  The feather of Simugh : the "licit magic" of the arts in medieval Islam / Johann Christoph Burgel. New York ; London : New York University Press, 1988.London1988   Burgel, J. Christoph 1988 
9 Book  Diwan Ka'b ibn Zuhayr and Akhbar Majnun Banu 'Amr and selections from al Subh al Munabbi and Wafayat al a'yan / translated by Arthur Wormhoudt. [Oskaloosa, Iowa] : William Penn College, 1975.   Ka'b ibn Zuhayr, 7th cent.
Yusuf al Badi', 17th cent.
Ibn Khallikan, 1211-62
10 Chapter of a book  A description of the two sanctuaries of Islam by Ibn 'Abd Rabbihi (d.940) / Muhammad Shafi'.
In: A volume of Oriental studies presented to Edward G. Browne, M.A., M.B., F.B.A., F.R.C.P. Sir Thomas Adams's Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge on his 60th birthday (7 February 1922). (1922), p. 416-438  
Shafi', Muhammad  
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