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Search Statement: Author as Subject 'Ibn Hazm, ' Records Found: 36 (Sort by Title Author Date)

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11 Book  Arabic Andalusian casidas / translated by Joan Penelope Cope. 1st ed. Tunbridge Wells, Kent : Peter Russell, 1953.   Cope, Joan Penelope, 1953 
12 Book  The language situation in al-Andalus / David J. Wasserstein.   Wasserstein, David.  
13 Book  The alchemy of glory : the dialectic of truthfulness and untruthfulness in medieval Arabic literary criticism / Mansour Ajami. Washington, D.C. : Three Continents Press, 1988.   Ajami, Mansour 1988 
14 Book  Arabic literature / [by] I.M. Filshtinsky; [translated from the Russian by Hilda Kasanina] Moscow : "Nauka" publishing house, 1966.   Filshtinsky, I.M. (Isaak Moiseevich) 1966 
15 Book  Aristotle and the Arabs : the Aristotelian tradition in Islam / F.E. Peters. New York : New York University Press, 1968.   Peters, F.E. (Francis E.) 1968 
16 Book  Ignaz Goldziher. Muslim studies : Volume one / = Muhammedanische Studien edited by S.M. Stern. Translated from the German by C.R Barber and S.M. Stern. Chicago : Aldine Publishing Company, 1967.   Goldziher, Ignac, 1850-1921
Stern, S.M. (Samuel Miklos), 1920-1969
Barber, C.R.
17 Book  Islam and the Arabs in Spanish scholarship (sixteenth century to the present) By James T. Monroe LeidenE.J. Brill1970   Monroe, James T. 1970 
18 Book  Hispano-Arabic literature and the early Provencal lyrics / J.A. Abu-Haidar. 1st ed. Richmond, Surrey : Curzon, 2001.   Abu-Haidar, J.A. 2001 
19 Book  The Arabic role in medieval literary history : a forgotten heritage / Maria Rosa Menochal. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1987.   Menochal, Maria Rosa 1987 
20 Book  Ibn Hazm / A.G. Chejne. Chicago : Kazi Publications Inc., 1982.   Chejne, Anwar G. 1982 
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