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Search Statement: Author 'Al-Jahiz, ' Records Found: 4 (Sort by Title Author Date)

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1 Book  The life and works of Jahiz / translations of selected texts [by] Charles Pellat. Translated from the French by D.M. Hawke. London : Routledge & Kegan Paul,1969.   al-Jahiz, d. 868 or 9
Pellat, Charles,
Hawke, D.M.
2 Book  Chance or creation? : God's design in the universe / attributed to al-Jahiz; translated and introduced by M.A.S. Abdel Haleem. 1st English ed. Reading :Garnet Publishing, 1995.   al-Jahiz, c.776 or 7-868 or 9
Abdel Haleem, M.A.
3 Book  The book of misers : a translation of al-Bukhala' / [by] Abu 'Uthman ibn Bahr al-Jahiz; translated by R.B. Serjeant; reviewed by Ezzeddin Ibrahim. 1st. ed. Reading : Center for Muslim Contribution to Civilization; Garnet Publishing Ltd., 1997   al-Jahiz, c.776 or 7-868 or 9
Serjeant, R.B. (Robert Bertram),
4 Book  Nine essays of al-Jahiz / translated by William M. Hutchins. New York BernPeter Lang 1989Bern1989   al-Jahiz, c.776 or 7-868 or 9
Hutchins, William M.,
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