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Search Statement: Subject 'Grammar' Records Found: 50 (Sort by Title Author Date)

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11 Book  Arabic poetry : a primer for students / edited by A.J. Arberry. 1st ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1965.  
Arberry, A.J. (Arthur John), 1905-1969
12 Book  Theory and practice in Arabic metrics / Wilhelmus Franciscus Gerardus Josephus Stoetzer. Leiden : Het Oosters Instituut, 1989.   Stoetzer, Wilhelmus Franciscus Gerardus Josephus 1989 
13 Book  A miscellany of Middle Eastern articles : in memoriam Thomas Muir Johnstone, 1924-83, professor of Arabic in the University of London, 1970-82 / edited by A.K. Irvine, R.B. Serjeant and G. Rex Smith. Harlow, Essex : Longman, 1988.  
Irvine, A.K.,
Serjeant, R.B. (Robert Bertram),
Smith, G. Rex (Gerald Rex),
14 Book  Medieval and middle eastern studies : in honor of Aziz Suryal Atiya / edited by Sami A. Hanna. Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1972.  
Hanna, Sami A.
15 Book  Early medieval Arabic : studies on al-Khalil ibn Ahmad / edited by Karin C. Ryding. Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press, 1998.   Ryding, Karin C. 1998 
16 Book  Muslim studies : volume two / = Muhammedanische studien edited by S.M. Stern; translated from the German by C.R. Barber and S.M. Stern. 1st ed. London : George Allen and Unwin, 1971.   Goldziher, Ignac, 1850-1921
Stern, S.M. (Samuel Miklos), 1920-1969
Barber, C.R.
17 Book  Grammar and semantics in medieval Arabic / a study of Ibn Hisham's 'Mughni l-Labib' / Adrian Gully. Richmond, Surrey : Curzon Press, 1995.   Gully, Adrian 1995 
18 Book  Greek elements in Arabic linguistic thinking / by C.H.M. Versteegh. 1st. ed. Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1977.   Versteegh, C.H.M. 1977 
19 Book  The Monitor : a dictionary of Arabic grammatical terms / compiled by Pierre Cachia. BeirutLibrarie du Liban1973   Cachia, Pierre 1973 
20 Book  Arabic grammar and linguistics / edited by Yasir Suleiman. 1st ed. Richmond, Surrey : Curzon Press, 1999.  
Suleiman, Yasir,
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