OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation

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Document Type:Book
Title:The diwan of Hatim al Tai / translated and commented on by Arthur Wormhoudt.
Author: Hatim al-Ta'i, late 6th cent.
Added Author: Wormhoudt, Arthur
Publisher: [Oskaloosa, Iowa] William Penn College 1984
Pages:159 p.
Notes:Contains 28 translated poems, mostly from al-Isfahani's Kitab al-Aghani and Ibn Qutayba's Kitab al-Shi'r; parallel Arabic textCopyright 1984 by Arthur Wormhoudt
Author as Subject: Hatim al-Ta'i, 6th cent. --
Descriptors: Poetry, Ancient Translated poems
Series: 77
Location: Oriental Inst., Oxford. OIL Main Libr.: PJ7696 HAT

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation