OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation

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Document Type:Book
Title:The Arabic theory of prosification and versification : on hall and nazm in Arabic theoretical discourse / Amidu Sanni.
Author: Sanni, Amidu
Publisher: Stuttgart : Franz Steiner, 1998.
Pages:xiii, 186 p.
Notes:(c) 1998 by Orient-InstitutIncludes indexes.
Bibliographic Note:Bibliography: p.170-176.
Author as Subject: al-Jahiz, c.776 or 7-868 or 9'Abd al-Hamid al-Katib ca. 685-750al-Tha'alibi, 'Abd al-Malik ibn Muhammad, 961 or 2-1037 or 8Ibn al-Athir, Diya' al-Din Nasr Allah ibn Muhammad, 1163-1239Abu Tammam, c.805-845al-Jurjani, 'Abd al-Qahir, d.1078 or 1081
Descriptors: Belles-lettres Poetry, Ancient -- Idioms Verse prosification Allusion Versification Verse prosification Poetics -- Qur'an borrowing Poetics -- Hadith borrowing
Series: 70
Location: Oriental Inst., Oxford. OIL PJ6161 ATH.S

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation