OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation

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Document Type:Book
Title:Marginal voices in literature and society : individual and society in the mediterranean Muslim world / volume directed by Robin Ostle.
Added Author: Ostle, Robin
Publisher: Strasbourg : European Science Foundation in collaboration with the Maison Mediterraneenne des Sciences de l'Homme d'Aix-en-Provence, 2000.
Pages:214 p.
Notes:"This volume is the fruit of a series of joint seminars which were held between the Universities of Oxford and Leiden during the academic year 1996-97" -- p.9
Contents:The marginal voice of a popular romance: Sirat al-Islkandar wa-ma fiha min al-'ajayib wa'l-gharayib / Faustina C.W. Doufikar-Aerts -- Of sex and alcohol: the marginal voice of Abu Nuwas? / James L. Montgomery -- The better self of a dirty old man: personal sentiments in the poetry of 'Ali ibn Sudun (1407-1464) / Arnoud Vrolijk -- The nodding noddles or Jolting the yokels: a composition for marginal voices by al-Shirbini (fl.1687) -- Nineteenth-century Turkish Orta oyunu / Petra de Bruijn -- The development of the Katib's social and cultural position: a critical review of the present state of research / Maaike van Berkel -- 'Abd al-Ghani ibn Isma'il al-Nabulsi (1641-1731): experiences of a Sufi shaykh on the margins of society / Andrew Lane -- Petitions and marginal voices in nineteenth-century Egypt: the case of the Fisherman's daughter / Rudolph Peters -- Medical conditions in Egyptian prisons in the nineteenth century / Khaled Fahmy -- Gender and self-representation in Rachid Boudjedr's layliyyat imra'a ari
Author as Subject: Ibn Sudun, 'Ali, 1407 or 8-1463 or 4 al-Shirbini, d. 1570Tamir, Zakariya Barakat, Huda
Descriptors: Conferences Poetry, Ancient Novel Short story
Location: Oriental Inst., Oxford. OIL PJ7502 Ost

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation