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Document Type:Chapter of a book
Title:Guises of the ghul : dissembling simile and semantic overflow in the classical Arabic nasib / Jaroslav Stetkevych.
Author: Sells, Michael Anthony
Notes:Includes translation of 1 complete nasib (21 verses) and sections from 7 additional nasibs.All translations followed by Arabic transliteration.
Summary:Examines the simile within the nasib, the first section of the qasida. Includes discussion of Renate Jacobi's qasida theory.
Author as Subject: 'Alqama ibn 'Abada, 6th cent.'Antara ibn Shaddad, 6th cent.Ka'ab ibn Zuhayr, 7th cent.Tarafa, mid. 6th cent.Muraqqish al-Asghar, 6th cent.Labid, d. ca. 661al-Shanfara, d. ca. 550Dhu al-Rumma, Ghaylan ibn 'Uqba, 696-735
Descriptors: Ancient poetry Nasib Poetry, Ancient -- Long poem Wasf=Description Characterisation Simile Tashbih Poetry, Ancient -- Anthologies -- Mufaddaliyat Za'n=Motif of the beloved and her tribe departure Poetry, Ancient -- Motifs -- Waking Mu'allaqat Translated terms
Source: Reorientations/Arabic and Persian poetry. (1994), p. 130-164
Source Type: Book

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation