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Document Type:Chapter of a book
Title:Averroes on poetry / Vicente Cantarino.
Author: Cantarino, Vicente, 1925-
Summary:A study of Averroes' treatise on the Aristotelian poetics including the terms he uses and diagram of the various categories referred to by Averroes.
Author as Subject: Ibn Rushd, 1126-98Ibn Sina, d. 1037Aristotle
Descriptors: Translated terms Poetics Criticism, AncientIbn Rushd Panegyric Poetry -- Composition EmbellishmentDepreciation Poetics -- Tashbih=Mimesis Analogy Mimesis Image-making Tashbih=Comparison Art, Rational Delight Tashbih wa-hikaya=Poetic imitation Satire Antithesis Poetry, Ancient -- Pursuit Discourse -- Sincerity Tasdiq=Truthfulness Tasdiq=Objective representation Persuasion Criticism, Ancient -- Harmony Poetics -- Original invention Poetics, Ancient -- Wisdom Fiction -- Tales Rhythm al-Tashbih wa al-muhaka= Poetic imitation Muwashshah Zajal Harmony Poetics -- Aristotle --Arabic commentary
Source: Islam and its cultural divergence : studies in honor of Gustave E. von Grunebaum (1971), p. 10-26
Source Type: Book

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation