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Document Type:Article of a journal
Title:Archetype and attribution in early Arabic poetry : al-Shanfara and the Lamiyyat al-Arab / Suzanne Pinckney Stetkkevych.
Author: Stetkevych, Suzanne Pinckney
Notes:Includes translation of 2 complete poems.
Summary:Biography of al-Shanfara and discussion of the authenticity of attribution of al-Shanfara's 'Lamiyyat al-'Arab' as perceived by Arab and Orientalist scholars and philologists.
Author as Subject: al-Shanfara, d. ca. 550al-Mubarrad, ca. 815-98 or 899al-Isfahani, 897-ca. 972Tha'lab, 815-904al-Tibrizi, d. 1108al-Zamakhshari, 1075-1144Ibn Durayd, 838-933Khalaf al-Ahmar, d. ca. 796al-Qali, 901-967al-Suyuti, 1445-1505Ibn 'Abd Rabbih, 860-940Ibn Qutayba, 828-889al-Jahiz, ca. 776 or 7-868Ta'abbata Sharran, 1st hf. 6th cent.al-Namari, Mansur, d. ca. 809Ibn Rashiq, 1000-1063 or 1071
Descriptors: Ancient poetry Biography Translated poems Vagabonds Ascribing a tradition Poetry, Ancient -- Long poem Poetry, Ancient -- Anthologies -- Mufaddaliyat Poetry, Ancient -- Artifice Anecdote Poetry, Ancient
Source: International journal of Middle East studies. 18: 3 (1986), p. 361-190
Source Type: Serial

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation