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Document Type:Article of a journal
Title:Wine, love and praise for the Fatimid imams, the enlightened of God / Pieter Smoor.
Author: Smoor, Pieter
Notes:Includes translated verses.
Author as Subject: Tamim ibn al-Mu'izz, 948-84Zafir al-Haddad, d. 1135Ibn Hani', d. ca. 973'Umara al-Yamani, 1121-74Ibn Waki' al-Tinnisi, d. 1003
Descriptors: Biography Poetry, Ancient Poets, Ancient -- Fatimi Poetry, Ancient --Boasting Panegyric Love poetry Belles-lettres Fantastic etiology (Husn al-ta'lil) Ayyubis
Source: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. 142: 1 (1992), p. 90-104
Source Type: Serial

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation