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Document Type:Chapter of a book
Title:Infinity and lies in medieval Islam / M.G. Carter.
Author: Carter, M.G.
Summary:Examines the relationship between infinity, truth and lies in Medieval Islam.
Author as Subject: al-Amidi, 'Ali ibn Abi 'Ali, 1156 or 7-1233Ibn al-Sid al-Batalyawsi, 1052-1127al-Tabari, Muhammad ibn Jariri, ca. 839-923Ibn Rushd, 1126-98Ibn Sina, d. 1037al-'Askari, Abu Hilal al-Hasan ibn 'Abd Allah, d. after 1005al-Rummani, 'Ali ibn 'Isa, 889-994Ibn Faris al-Lughawi , d. 1004
Descriptors: Philosophy Philosophy, Ancient -- Ethics Ascribing a tradition Theologians, DialecticalTruth Poetry, Ancient -- Muhammad Poets, Ancient -- Rhetoric Paronomasia Tibaq Language -- Truth
Source: Philosophy and arts in the Islamic world: proceedings of the 18th Congress of the Union Europeenne des Arabisants et Islamisants (1998), p. 233-242
Source Type: Book

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation