OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation

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245-0$a Poems from the diwan of Abu Tayyib Ahmad ibn Husain al-Mutanabbi / $c translated with notes by Arthur Wormhoudt.
700 $a Wormhoudt, Arthur
260 $a Oxford : $b Shakespeare Head Press, $c 1968.
300 $a 84 p.
041$a English $h Arabic
500$a (c) Arthur Wormhoudt 1968.$a Includes biography (p.33-34)$a Contains translated [praise] poems in honour of five patrons: Sayf al-Dawla, Kafur, Abu Shaja Fatik, Ibn Amid, Adhad al- Dawla
600 $a al-Mutanabbi, $d c.915-65 $a Sayf al-Dawla, $d r.947-967 $a Kafur $a al-Hariri, $d 1054-1122 $a Abu al-'Ala' al-Ma'arri, $d 973-1058 $a Qays ibn al-Mulawwah, al-Majnun, $d 7th cent. $a Kuthayyir, $d c.660-723 $a Qays ibn Dharih, $d c.626-89 $a Jamil ibn Ma'mar, $d d.701 $a Abu Shuja' Fatik al-Rumi
650 $a Poetry, Ancient $a Translated poems $a Biography
852 Oriental Inst., Oxford. OIL PJ7745 Mut

OxLit Literary Publication and Documentation